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Yellow sign that alerts for wet floor in the restaurant

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall in a restaurant in Detroit, there are several important things you should do right away. First, you should seek medical treatment. Next, you document the scene, gather witness information, and report your fall to the manager. Finally, you should hire an experienced slip and fall attorney.

Hiring just any attorney to handle a slip and fall case could keep you and your family from getting the compensation you deserved. An experienced slip and fall lawyer knows how to properly investigate and document these cases, as well as how to hire the right experts to maximize your settlement.

Restaurant Slip And Fall Statistics

Michigan is a top state for slip and fall accidents, and slip and fall accidents at eateries are among the most common. Of course, as the largest city in Michigan, many of these falls happen in Detroit.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s tracking of slip and fall injuries shows that the number of slip and falls, and the seriousness of many of the injuries, is alarming. The statistics indicate that:

  • More than 3 million people are treated in emergency rooms annually for slip and fall injuries
  • More than 25% of injury victims are hospitalized
  • One in every five falls results in a broken bone or a head injury, including traumatic brain injuries
  • More than 95% of all hip fractures are caused by a slip and fall

Who is liable if you have acase?

There are several parties that could be liable for your injuries. Typically, the person or entity in possession of the property can be held responsible. This might include the restaurant owner, the manager, or some other third party, such as maintenance companies, snow removal companies, and the like.

What are the most common causes?

  • Food or beverages on the floor
  • Grease spills
  • Recently mopped floors
  • Failure to use “wet floor” signs
  • Lack of slip-resistant floor mats
  • Torn carpet
  • Damaged or uneven flooring
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Damaged, cracked or uneven parking lots or exterior walkways or stairs
  • Snow and ice on parking lots, exterior walkways or stairs

Can I file a lawsuit if I’m injured in a slip and fall at an eatery in Detroit?

You can file a lawsuit after being injured in a slip and fall accident. And thanks to recent changes in the law, your likelihood of success has increased dramatically. The law now requires restaurants to exercise “reasonable care” to protect customers from “an unreasonable risk of harm caused by a dangerous condition” on the property.

To win your negligence claim for a slip and fall case, you must prove: 1) the responsible party owed you a duty to protect you from any dangerous conditions, 2) the responsible party breached that duty by failing to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition or failing to warn you of the danger, 3) but for the responsible party’s negligent conduct you would not have fallen, and 4) you suffered “damages” such as pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages.

Slip and fall settlements

In Detroit, the amount of money you’ll recover in your settlement after being injured in a slip and fall case depends on several key factors, including:

  • Your injuries
  • The medical care you need (now and in the future)
  • Your lost wages (now and in the future)
  • Your pain and suffering
  • The extent to which you can’t do the things you did before your fall
  • The strength of your evidence proving the property owner was at-fault
  • The policy limits of the property owner’s liability insurance
  • The experience, reputation and track record of your attorney

Hiring an experienced Michigan premises liability with a track record of success is a critical factor in ensuring your settlement reflects the true value of your pain and suffering and economic damages. Insurance companies know which attorneys mean business and will not back down. You need a lawyer who will stand up and fight so that you and your family can get the best possible settlement.

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