Hearing loss after a Detroit automobile crash is a debilitating medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. Failure to properly diagnose and treat hearing loss may result in total or partial permanent deafness or chronic tinnitus.
It may also be a sign that you have suffered a more serious injury such as a traumatic brain injury.
In many cases, hearing loss disrupts crash victims’ lives to the point that they cannot resume their normal work and family lives or return to their normal social and recreational activities.
An experienced lawyer can help you recover the pain and suffering compensation that you are entitled to from the at-fault driver who caused your hearing loss. Your lawyer will also help ensure you receive the No-Fault benefits you are entitled to, which will pay for your medical bills and reimburse you for lost wages so you can continue to support your family while you are trying to heal and rebuild your life after your automobile crash.
If you suffered hearing loss after a Detroit automobile crash, then you need to know the following:
- How does an automobile crash cause hearing loss?
- What are the symptoms of hearing loss after an automobile crash?
- What injuries could hearing loss be a symptom of?
- How is hearing loss diagnosed and treated?
- How can you recover pain and suffering compensation and No-Fault benefits for hearing loss?
To learn more about hearing loss after a Detroit automobile crash, please check out my page “hearing loss after car accident.”

Named a “Leader in the Law” and “Lawyer of the Year” by Michigan’s largest legal newspaper for his record-breaking auto accident verdicts, settlements and advocacy work in preventing wrecks, Steven Gursten heads Michigan Auto Law—a firm dedicated to serious motor vehicle accident injury cases and wrongful death lawsuits.
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