If you suffered a torn labrum at work in Detroit, then you may have a case for Workers’ Compensation benefits from your employer. This will help you with paying your medical bills and supporting your family if you can’t earn your normal income because you can’t go back to work.
Workers’ Comp benefits will also help you get access to and pay for vocational rehabilitation which will help you restore your ability to perform your duties and tasks at your job.
A a torn labrum — a tear in the disk of cartilage that stabilizes and cushions the shoulder joint — can be a significant ordeal. The condition is painful, hinders mobility, and requires extensive treatment, potentially leading to loss of wages or even temporary disability.
Torn labrum injuries more often occur in jobs that require constant or heavy lifting, repetitive overhead work, or forceful arm movements – such as construction, manufacturing, or warehouse jobs. Injuries of this nature can also result from a job-related accident such as a fall or direct impact to the shoulder. It’s not uncommon for a torn labrum to be caused by blunt force trauma or overuse.
Treatment for a torn labrum can range from physical therapy to surgical repair, depending on severity. Rehabilitation can take several weeks to months, frequently requiring workers to take time off from work or significantly reduce their duties. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary, followed by a prolonged period of physical therapy. This not only increases medical bills but often leads to lost wages, adding to the financial strain.
If you suffer a torn labrum on the job, Workers’ Compensation benefits can cover your medical bills and a portion of your lost wages. However, accessing these benefits isn’t always straightforward. Claims need to be filed correctly and on time, medical reports must clearly establish the work-related cause of the injury, and employers or insurance companies may dispute claims. Therefore, legal assistance can be beneficial to ensure the process progresses smoothly, and rightful compensation isn’t denied.
An experienced Workers’ Compensation attorney can help you maximize the amount of your settlement and ensure that you receive all of the medical and wage loss benefits you are legally entitled to.
Michigan doesn’t keep specific data about the average workers’ comp settlement for a torn labrum, but statistics published by the Workers’ Disability Compensation Agency show that $62,315.56 is the average amount paid out for a work-related injury.
While Workers’ Compensation provides some relief, it doesn’t compensate for everything, particularly pain and suffering or the full extent of lost wages. However, additional compensation may only be pursued under certain circumstances through a third-party claim, depending on the laws of the state in which your injury occurred.
If your injury resulted from negligence or wrongdoing by a third party — say, an equipment manufacturer or a contractor — you might have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. This could yield compensation for full lost wages, future earning capacity, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, offering relief beyond the scope of Workers’ Compensation.
Securing compensation in such cases can be complex, making it crucial to work with a knowledgeable lawyer. An attorney can help identify any liable third parties and navigate the legal intricacies involved, maximizing your chances of a successful claim.

Named a “Leader in the Law” and “Lawyer of the Year” by Michigan’s largest legal newspaper for his record-breaking auto accident verdicts, settlements and advocacy work in preventing wrecks, Steven Gursten heads Michigan Auto Law—a firm dedicated to serious motor vehicle accident injury cases and wrongful death lawsuits.
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