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Work is a place you should not have to worry about getting hurt, but the reality is that employer negligence costs money and sometimes lives. And with the onset of the COVID-19 vaccine and working from home, it’s hard to know what the ever-changing laws mean for you. Learn more about your workplace rights by reading up on the latest.

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615 Griswold Suite 402
Detroit, MI 48226
About Our Firm

At Michigan Auto Law, our lawyers focus exclusively in helping people who've been hurt in car, truck and motorcycle accidents throughout Michigan. We understand that such accidents can cause pain and sleepless nights. You may be too injured to return to work, and wondering who will pay for your medical bills or vehicle damage. Maybe your insurance adjuster is giving you the run around and you're not sure of your No-Fault insurance rights. We  have helped people who were told they had no case by other lawyers, or that their case was too old. At Michigan Auto Law, we want to not only help you with your case, but help you get your life back on track.